Vuoden kolmas Pyöreän Pöydän etiikkakeskustelu inklusiivisuudesta to 27.10.2022 8:30-10
Vuoden kolmas Pyöreän Pöydän etiikkakeskustelu inklusiivisuudesta pidetään torstaina 27.10.2022 klo 8:30-10. Keskustelun teemana on inklusiivinen rekrytointi ja maahanmuutto. Tilaisuuden kieli englanti.
The third Round Table Discussion will be organized on Thursday 27.10.2022 at 8:30-10. Theme is inclusive recruitment and immigration. Discussion will be in English.
About the event
Cognitive biases affect all our decision making, also in recruitment. How can we make sure we hire the best talent available or the kind of people we need? Join us in discussing insights on inclusive recruitment and hear expert views and best practical tips on the subject. Gain insight as to what it means to look for a job as a non-native.
This webinar is part of EBEN Finland webinar/ live event series on diversity and inclusion.
Katja Mannerström, Head of Public Affairs, Finnish Refugee Council
Egbert Schram, CEO, Hofstede Insights
Event will be organized online in Zoom. Please register for the event by Sunday 23.10.2022.
Link for joining event will be sent via email before the event.
Katja Mannerström is Head of Public Affairs for the Finnish Refugee Council, an NGO working for refugees rights and wellbeing in both Finland and around the world. She is a social psychologist deeply interested in the concept and layers of a multicultural society. She has worked in the field of integration and immigration policy for over a decade.
Egbert Schram is the CEO of Hofstede Insights, an international cultural analytics services firm. He is astute, passionate about his work, known to make complex things understandable by focusing on pragmatic solutions.
His specialty lies in using a data driven approach to culture, enabling executive level discussion and decision making. In his presentation Egbert will focus on how culture impacts the communication and information exchange between employers and prospective employees and where assumptions and misunderstandings cause issues in terms of talent attraction and retention.